Bucket Cricket

By Jon Bloor •  Updated: 30-Mar-24 •  2 min read

Although the game is called bucket cricket, playing with a round or square metal drum that stands about 14 inches high and 9 inches across is more satisfying. Use a bat of a piece of wood approximately 20 inches long and 2.5 inches wide. We’re using a tennis ball or a rubber ball of a similar size.

Here are the ways you can earn runs in the game:

And here are the ways a batter can be out:

Other rules:

Once all the members of the first patrol have batted, they return to their positions in the circle, and their total score is recorded. Then, it’s the next patrol’s turn to leave the circle. If you have an uneven number of scouts in patrols, you can even things out by allowing some scouts to bat twice.

Jon Bloor

I'm a leader with more than 30 years of experience and I have run beavers, cubs, scouts and explorers. I was in a trial group for the scout network.Presently, I am group scout leader (or group lead volunteer) at 4th Ashby Scout Group.

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