Easter Eggs

By Jon Bloor •  Updated: 30-Mar-24 •  2 min read

Here is an idea I read for some simple but fun Easter Egg activities

Hard boil a lot of eggs – you will need some spares because some will crack in the boiling, and you need perfect uncracked eggs.

At the start of the Meeting, issue six eggs to each Six (or Patrol).

I thought this was an excellent idea, easy to do and slightly different.  I think this could be done out of doors to be even more “Scouting” You don’t have to do it at Easter, of course – but it is worth considering when planning this term. Depending on the group concerned, it might be worth decorating them and having an extra competition – it is almost certainly another creative activity.  I’d use felt tip pens rather than paint so you can get on with the obstacle course.

If you undertake this with your “lot”, let us know how you get on.

Jon Bloor

I'm a leader with more than 30 years of experience and I have run beavers, cubs, scouts and explorers. I was in a trial group for the scout network.Presently, I am group scout leader (or group lead volunteer) at 4th Ashby Scout Group.